The Scandinavian Brown Bear Research Project began in northern Sweden in 1984 and central Sweden in 1985. It quickly became a cooperative Swedish study between the conservation management authority and the Hunters’ Association in Sweden. This cooperative philosophy was continued by expanding to a Swedish-Norwegian cooperation in 1987 and a continually increasing internationalisation throughout the project’s history. During the 35 years from 1984-2018, the period considered here, the project focused on following individual bears from birth to death. We combined research on management-relevant and general ecological topics. The project became one of the world’s most successful research projects on large carnivores (actually, on birds or mammals), with 263 scientific papers in international peer-reviewed journals, 35 completed PhD degrees, and 101 completed master’s degrees. We believe that one reason for this success was creating a dynamic “research family” of international experts and international students.
The history of the Scandinavian Brown Bear Research Project - a formidable success story
Pages: pp. 63-76

Bear and Human: Facets of a Multi-Layered Relationship from Past to Recent Times, with Emphasis on Northern Europe
Publisher: Brepols Publishers
Published: January 2023
ISBN: 978-2-503-60611-8
e-ISBN: 978-2-503-60613-2
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